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AHG Group, Founded by Lyna Maria Buitrago, Is A Firm That Specializes In The Management and Development of Engineering Projects With a Team Of Specialists In Hydrogeological, Topographic, Geotechnical Services And More!

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Lyna Maria Buitrago is a successful environmental and sanitary engineer from La Salle University in  Bogota, Colombia, founder of the company AHG Group, a firm built with social, economic and environmental values, which specializes in the management and development of engineering projects. They have a permanent team of professionals made up of geologists, hydrogeologists , geophysicists, geotechnicians, meteorologists, topographers and environmental, sanitary and civil engineers that represent an interdisciplinary team with over a decade of experience within the industry.

“My company, despite its short trajectory, has stood out for its professionalism in the field of engineering, with a team of 100% trained specialists. I want to provide from my knowledge solutions that bring new professional horizons to organizations and thus promote female empowerment in engineering”, Lyna shares.

Part of Lyna Maria’s leadership at AHG Group is focused on prioritizing the inclusion of women in senior management positions. For this reason, she wants to inspire them to study, work or lead issues related to engineering. Despite the fact that ideologies are changing in today’s world, in the industry of engineering there is still some discriminatory treatment towards women and part of Lyna’s mission is to eradicate these prejudices.

“We have within the organization strategies to attract and retain female talent, implementing new ways of working, less hierarchical and more inclusive, empathetic and collaborative, which encourage the female talent in management positions. All this cannot be achieved without genuine leadership by the CEOs of Colombian organizations”, Lyna explains.

AHG Group was born from the need that we have as a society of companies that are oriented to the development of sustainable economic projects, but environmentally responsible. The business was created with the purpose of finding efficient solutions by implementing new alternatives to eliminate activities that generate a negative impact on the environment.

“I started my company when no one expected it, not even myself. After a disagreement at work, I decided to do things differently and the only option was to create my own business. AHG Group represents environmental social responsibility, a key element that in my opinion all organizations should have”, she details.

Lyna Maria was also motivated by her desire to create a team of professionals, especially female talent, that responds to the growing market demand. In addition, she wanted to attract and develop new professionals and train them correctly in a world where we all have to be adaptable and flexible.

“As CEO, I think that Colombian companies have to work together to generate an organizational commitment with a clear purpose: to increase motivation, generate knowledge, and train professionals in order to retain local talent. The more training and education provided, the more interest there will be in learning and growing in our country, strengthening the local scope of talents!”, Lyna adds.

Despite the fact that there are currently a large number of companies that carry out environmental studies, AHG Group stands out from the crowd because of the high quality of their work. Lyna and her team work carefully and conscientiously since they are very aware of their corporate values, which are: professional ethics, adaptability, sustainability, honesty, dynamism, innovation and synergy.

In addition, what makes Lyna Maria and her business so unique is the immense respect they have for nature and its interaction with society in all its expressions. What’s more, they provide hydrology services, groundwater exploration, hydrogeology services, geotechnics, environmental paperwork, environmental engineering, social services and much more!

“I think the world needs more engineers! There are many challenges waiting for young professionals in this field, because they will be the ones with the next innovative solutions for our society. I look forward to supporting them through AHG Group and working with our new leaders!”, Lyna says.

She has many plans and goals for 2023, as she describes them below:

“Our main project for this year is the inclusion of technologies through instrumentation for environmental measurement and monitoring, because I have realized that most Colombian companies still collect relevant environmental information manually. AHG is developing an application where environmental information can be collected from a real-time measurement implementation dashboard for instantaneous environmental conditions with remote sensors.

We also want to represent international brands in Colombia that develop equipment and are experts in environmental monitoring focused on the air, water, and soil matrices.”

What’s more, another of Lyna Maria’s plans is to expand AHG Group in Central America. She is currently analyzing the requirements of the international market and strengthening the competition of Colombian talent. Also, she is looking for foreign investment to help her financially boost her company.

Without a doubt, Lyna Maria’s story is a source of hard work and inspiration not only to female engineers and professionals, but to all of us! To find out more about her work, follow her on Instagram here. You can also check her company’s website here.

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