As a young intern, Martin Velasco Ormeño was suddenly given an opportunity to shine. When his boss was absent from work for a day, Martin stepped up to fill the vacancy. From this moment on, his path was clear to him. He launched himself into the digital marketing world for real estate.
“My story begins when, practicing as a construction assistant, the saleswoman missed the day, and they put me to fill the position, a typical thing for an intern. When I entered the commercial area, I saw that there were many things to improve and I loved the excitement of being able to sell properties, so I began to invest from my own savings to promote the sale of the project I was working on. I investigated the latest digital trends in the market, I applied them and ended up being the best real estate seller of the year 2019 in that project, with more than $ 4.2 million in sales with the use of my material and techniques.
I like to differentiate myself in the market by applying the latest technology and offering a credit payment method, we offer a sales kit without an initial payment, and then is canceled with each sale of the project units. This payment method generates a shared focus that gives our clients the assurance that we will care and support in whatever way we can so that their project is sold as quickly as possible,” Martin recounts.
Martin was originally trained as an engineer and is out to prove that people in that line of work and study are more than just number crunchers and people who are good at math. He was encouraged to continue on his path when the pandemic hit as digital marketing has been the crux of any successful business right now.

“The company that I have developed focuses on digital marketing. We produce digital media for real estate projects under construction that the company will use to reach its target audience of its commercial strategy in a more efficient way, accelerating the passage through the commercial funnel, managing to convert into opportunities real that end in real transactions, in a fraction of the time of the traditional sales method. Our sales kit includes: virtual tour, photos and promotional video, brochure, commercial blueprints, landing page and social media kit. This kit allows you to start the sale of your real estate project.
Regardless of the technology available in the market, I have managed to reduce costs that, depending on their complexity, do not reach 0.5% of the sale value of the property, and even more, the business model that I am developing accrues when it reaches success, In other words, we reached the sale together, it could be said,” Martin explains.
Unlike other digital marketers, Martin establishes a different kind of relationship between his company and the customer. This has allowed him to be successful no matter what obstacle is thrown his direction.
“Our payment method in the form of credit, leads us to form a strategic alliance with our client to give the best of both parties and to be able to sell the real estate project as quickly as possible. This feeling of responsibility for the project gives us a security and closeness with the client that none of our competition will be able to achieve. All of our clients have turned to us to launch more projects and become strategic partners,” Martin states.
Despite the pandemic, Martin is growing his company at an incredible rate. With locations in five countries, he continues to keep expanding his business and his team into 2021. He is also developing incredible technological tools to ensure that people can upload their properties.
“We want to continue with the expansion plan that we have been working on, to date we already have projects in more than 5 countries. We will continue to grow our team, with professionals that upgrade the quality of service we make. We always seek to improve quality, and to meet the needs of our clients so that they can sell their projects as quickly as possible.
On the other hand we are creating a real estate portal, where everyone can upload their properties for free. The platform is focused on promoting the sale of properties online, the owners will be able to show their properties by video calls and with them be available at any time. This has helped our clients a lot in their sales processes, and we want to apply this same technique to everyone,” Martin says.
To find out more about Martin, you can follow him on instagram here and check out his website here.