Carlos Ortiz is quite an amazing Mexican businessman and entrepreneur. He is the founder of CAXXOR, a real estate development, construction and engineering company founded in Mexico but with operations in several countries, such as Panama, Mexico, United Kingdom and many more.
CAXXOR is made up of three companies, REAL ASSETS, FINANCE and GLOBAL ADVISORS. To date, the business is a holistic and very complete organization, which has also begun to develop specialized technology to improve global infrastructure standards.
“Our vision of infrastructure development is focused on seeking the progress and sustainability of humanity, on the other hand we have a sophisticated financial team, competitive internationally, which distinguishes viability mechanisms and methodologies for each project we have”, reads their website.
In fact, part of their mission is to cover the infrastructure deficits in the world. Carlos was motivated to start working in this industry because of his desire that people be able to connect efficiently and securely, and that they can take their products where they are needed. This motivated him to look for solutions in terms of infrastructure and trade!
“Since I was a child I always wanted to be productive, I always felt uncomfortable if I couldn’t be useful to others. When I was studying, I was invited to work in various companies, in the government, etc., but I always felt that these companies could go further. That was my main motivation to found my own company. I believe that we can always improve, adapt, change, investigate and evolve”, Carlos shares.
Without a doubt, CAXXOR is a quite disruptive company that is revolutionizing the industry. In Mexico, they are building a port that will impact 30% of the Mexican population and 70% of the US population, being its closest exit to the Pacific. Although there is huge market potential, there is currently no other private developer doing what CAXXOR is doing in the country.
“We are the company that will develop the most km of railway for the next year, the other important projects are developed by the government. There are some businesses building industrial parks in Mexico, but none with the connectivity, services and technology that we are implementing. We are promoting the creation of the safest and most efficient border between Mexico and the USA. There is no other similar project in the area!”, Carlos adds.
With this important project, he hopes to have a major impact on the relations between Mexico and the USA, as well as the reconfiguration of maritime routes in North America with the main objective of increasing competitiveness in the region.
“This port would be the first of a great port network, so that North America has the most efficient, most capable, fastest, most advanced, safest and most ecological ports on the planet!”, Carlos details.
CAXXOR is currently working on The T-MEC Corridor, one of the largest and most important logistics works in the field of international trade that seeks to expand rail connections from Mexico to new areas of the North American continent.
“This is our flagship project and the first one we worked on as developers, which is attracting the interest of many investors and large groups globally. As a goal, I would like to make CAXXOR a public company or to integrate it into a larger ecosystem. I would like the business to expand to more countries and to solve more connectivity problems in the world!”, Carlos concludes.
To find out more about the company, check out their website here. You can also follow Carlos on Instagram here.