Life is often frenetic, stressful, overwhelming, and for some people, monotonous. All these circumstances lead to fatigue not only mentally but also physically, so it is necessary to rest the body and mind.
One way to solve some of these problems and create a balance is to go on vacation. To take a break for both body and mind, get away from the long days of hard work to recharge your energy and be able to continue.
Erika Garcia is the CEO of Vacacionante, Vacacionante Brasil and CancunCards, which has served more than 300,000 families that have gone to the Mexican Caribbean over the last 18 years. With their services, Erika and her team are not just offering a holiday, they are selling happiness.
“Life happens in moments and those moments have to be created in memorable ways. We own the experience that comes directly to consumers through happiness on a card. That happiness contains access to a destination that is the first and safest in the world and the card is their ticket that entitles them to book whatever they want. Our card is the perfect gift to recognize someone’s effort. We offer a digital and physical version.” Erika shares.
At CancunCards, they do not see themselves as a travel agency or a tour company, but instead as the owners of an experience that reaches directly to consumers. Indeed, Erika believes they are in the business of people serving people.
“We are in the business of people serving people, and my team is proud of our Mexican roots and happy to convey that through a vacation in the form of a card.” She adds.
When she first started, it was not hard for Erika to choose what industry to work in given that she has always loved dealing with and being around people. This is also why she studied audiovisual communications.
“I love people. I studied audiovisual communication and I wanted to be in television. It was my calling and an opportunity that I had to take advantage of.” Erika says. Now she runs a people business, “a business of people’s dreams and wants. People remember their fears and want to overcome them and they have the power to do that.”
Another motivation for Erika to get started with her business was wanting to generate jobs and encourage investments in Mexico. Indeed, her company has sold over 700,000 vacation travel packages, which represent more than 180 M USD. But it was not always easy for her.
“The biggest challenges were laying down the proper foundation and the systems to accomplish and unfold the products and services, and hiring the right people. Having the pillars of the financial, marketing, sales, and administration ready. There are always going to be challenges. It’s crucial to always reinvent yourself so that you always stay at your peak.” Erika explains.
Erika has provided direct employment to over 500 people in Cancun, Brazil, Argentina and the Philippines. Another good asset in overcoming the aforementioned obstacles is having a good mindset. This is a personal tool that can help people face daily challenges and move on.
“Mindset is everything. If you change your thoughts, you change your mentality, your energy, your future, and your life. Mindset is crucial, the set of belief systems, whether they are limited beliefs or unlimited beliefs, determines how we act. The mind is the body, the mind controls thought. The fuel of the mind must be a coherent heart, this you get with clear intentions and high emotions. The absolute biggest challenge is finding the right people to be aligned with your vision and mission and accountable in every way.” Erika states.
Nowadays, Erika’s company differentiates itself from its competition because it is a purpose-driven company helping for over 18 years other companies in courting holidays to currency so they can help themselves and help others.
Moving forward, Erika wants to be able to create a platform to inspire both men and women to be themselves, go after their dreams and create businesses. She also wants to take the CancunCards and expand the vision so that people will realize that they can find the power of happiness and paradise in a card.
“From a woman’s point of view I want to send a message to Latino women: you don’t have to ask for permission to go after your dreams. You have the right to abundance and love.” Erika says.
Find out more about how you can have the vacation that you and your family deserve, and learn more about Erika here. If you want to get a free Cancun Card, go here!