Juanita Brown, the creator behind G-Status Music, always had a passion for music. From a young age, it inspired her and defined her life as she spent time with music both listening to it and creating her own. She knew that it would be a part of her life and she ended up making a sound and music unlike many others.
“Music has always played a major role in my life. From a young child, I would create songs and dance around the house moving to my own beat of the drum. As I got older, I continued to make up songs by freestyling about various different things. I was also in the band which helped foster my musical abilities. In high school and college everyone knew me as the one to make all of the road trips fun with my funny rhymes and head bobbing beats. I think that my name alone makes me unique. When people hear the name G-Status, they automatically assume I am a male. It blows people’s minds even more when they see me in person. People always assume I am a sweet little singer, until they hear the first few words of my lyrics and then they become some of my biggest fans. It’s pretty cool to watch people’s reaction, hearing and dancing to my music,” G-Status explains.
Her youth taught her that she wanted to do more in the music world, but G-Status’ path was not always clear. She struggled to originally get a foothold in the music business like many others. Her dedication to working hard, however, helped her get those first gigs and the rest came more easily after that.
“Breaking into the music industry has been the biggest obstacle I have overcome so far. I have been so consistent with marketing my music brand that I have been invited to perform for various shows and I was paid for my performance. It’s an amazing feeling to know that people support my music. No matter what comes my way, I always remind myself that I am in charge of my own outcomes. I decide what I will and won’t allow. I do a lot of research about an ample amount of things. I am a nerd at heart. Researching has helped me avoid common pitfalls that many upcoming music artists run into,” G-Status recounts.
However, her success has made her soar in the music world. In addition to being a successful rap artist, G-Status also runs her own clothing line, which caters to women of all sizes. Above all, G-Status wanted to get involved with the music industry to create music that people could dance to and inspire others to get involved in the industry as well.
“My passion to entertain and inspire others prompted me to get into the music industry. I truly enjoy making fun and edgy dance songs. I want people to know that yes you can be educated and make fun dance songs to entertain the masses. I knew early on when people would hype me up or yell G-Status across the campus in college, that getting into the music industry would someday be a huge accomplishment. I also hope to inspire others to follow their dreams,” G-Status states.
No one else is quite like G-Status and that is how she constantly keeps herself on top of the competition. She creates a different kind of world around her which includes a different sound, look, and much more.
“I am myself and I never try to be anyone else. There is absolutely no one in the music industry like me. My sound is different, my looks are different, and my approach is different. Most people are interested in what’s different and not the same. I try to make sure everyone that I encounter remembers something about me. Whether it is a lyric from a song, how I spoke, or even how I dress. I have been told by people months later after seeing me perform about how much they enjoyed my show. They always tell me that they automatically assumed I would be a singer and sing songs about love and peace. Then once they hear the first few lines of my music, they instantly become intrigued. I also have made up my own little words in my songs. I call it “scat rapping”. It’s pretty cool and catchy,” G-Status remarks.
To find out more about G-Status, you can follow her on instagram here and check out her music here.