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How Shawnte Mckinnon Disrupts the Consulting and Coaching Business By Providing Tailor Made Solutions for Her Clients

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When you think of a modern day renaissance woman, Shawnte Mckinnon comes to mind right away. A United States Air Force veteran, media personality, author, minister, and contributing writer, Shawnte has also worked as a financial professional for over 15 years. Now, people know her best as a business expert consultant and coach. 

“I’m the girl that never gives up. Life has thrown unimaginable curve balls my way, some that are very hard to recover from. But yet, I never gave up. I tend to bring disruption to the status quo; sometimes this happens unknowingly. This ability seemed as a blessing and curse at times. As I’ve always said, if you are a change-agent, the culture will fight against you, whether this be the culture of the business world, family dynamics, or friendship circles,” Shawnte outlines. 

Her business consulting and coaching role is supported by her experience in diverse roles in the accounting, operations and financial spheres. Shawnte has worked in the private, nonprofit and corporate sectors. In these roles, she learned very quickly there’s no one size fits all approach to sustainability in business, and therefore it’s incredibly important to have a transient advantage when market demands change, particularly in times of an economic downturn. With this in mind, especially in recent years that have been economically tumultuous, Shawnte makes sure to tailor the business solutions to each client’s individual needs. 

This is Shawnte’s biggest differentiating factor from her competition. She is a disruptor who provides tailored solutions to each and every client, avoiding the cookie cutter approach that many businesses will use because, as each business is unique, she fully understands the need for flexible and transient solutions. 

“After working in diverse roles in the accounting, operations, and financial space for over 15 years, I gained a vast amount of knowledge to help organization and individuals to succeed, coupled with my entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial spirit, I knew my gained knowledge and experience would be the solution for a lot of business problems,”  Shawnte remarks. 

Her viewpoint, while it would lead her to success in any normal circumstance, was particularly fruitful when the world entered a worldwide pandemic. While many businesses were thrown into the deep end, Shawnte was able to keep her client’s businesses afloat.

“Many businesses were not prepared for those challenges that came with the pandemic and unfortunately were not able to survive. As a consequence, many businesses permanently closed in the last quarter of 2020. I knew my business was positioned to help organizations get beyond these types of crises, both predictable and unpredictable crises,” Shawnte explains. 

A true business’ business, Shawnte was inspired to enter the coaching and consulting world primarily because of her passion for all things business, particularly business administration. For as long as she can remember, she’s always been advising others on how to start a business, cultivate it, and watch it grow. It felt only natural to turn her natural passion into a business to begin charging people for it. 

“I’ve watched people take the tools and resources I offered and soared. I did this in my professional life as well as personal. I have the knack and gift to help people to succeed. I know there is a need for my skills and experience,” Shawnte says. 

 In the coming year, Shawnte will be focusing on burgeoning entrepreneurs to get their feet wet in the world of business, as well as bridging economic gaps by bringing experts together from around the world. In this way, Shawnte will be able to help businesses owners and executives scale their businesses on a global level. 

Shawnte can be found online at both her website and Instagram account. 

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