Johana Sanchez is quite an amazing entrepreneur who runs a successful ecommerce business. She sells on Amazon with the Amazon FBA model, which means that she sends all the products to the Amazon warehouse and they distribute them throughout the United States. She also has two shopify stores that are located in Colombia. What’s more, she is the founder of the Happy Sellers Club, where she helps other people to build a business on Amazon FBA.
“I made the decision to join Amazon FBA in 2015 by opening my account and in 2016 I finally shipped some new and used products. I sold some and others weren’t as successful, but that helped me get to know the platform and realize that I could do it. After Amazon my life totally changed, since I started a more automated business and was able to spend quality time with my daughter”, Johana shares.
Shortly after starting to work on the platform, she noticed that there was not much information on the Amazon topic on Youtube so she started her own channel in order to share her knowledge and mistakes, which quickly became very popular!
“Being on the Amazon platform helped me fulfill the American dream and create two other businesses: Two Shopify stores that currently operate in Colombia. For me, it is an honor to share my knowledge so that other people learn the reality of selling online. That is not an easy task but it is not impossible either!”, Johana adds.
After a few years at Amazon, she decided it was time to return to Colombia from the United States, a country to which she had emigrated for years. She realized she already had the financial resources and financial freedom that would allow her to continue her work and receive ample income, but from the city that saw her grow and surrounded by her loved ones. Today, Johana lives in Bogota. She keeps earning income from Amazon and teaches hundreds of people to do the same!
But of course, not everything has been easy on her journey. Not at all. She has faced diverse challenges, such as starting from scratch in another country without speaking the language and not having money to invest. She also had no family or friends to support her, she was completely alone in the United States. Additionally, she became a single mom and had to work hard and get ahead, for herself and her daughter. Her friends told her that she was crazy, that the ecommerce business was not the right job for her, and they advised her to get a normal 9 to 5 job. Luckily, Johana decided to ignore them and follow her intuition and her heart. Thanks to her courage, she is now the successful business owner of a very profitable business.
“Ecommerce is not an easy business, people do not get rich overnight. Amazon and e-commerce are a business model of constancy and you can make mistakes, but this is the model of the present and the future. I invite you to think about getting the most out of your cell phone and making it your number one source of income”, Johana advises.
Even though the ecommerce world is quite crowded, Johana doesn’t feel like she has any competition. Her products are of high quality and her prices are incredible. Besides, she thinks there’s enough space for everyone. The world of e-commerce is in its prime and sellers have too much demand for products to cover. The truth is that the opportunity is there for everyone who wants to take advantage of it!
Plus, the Amazon platform has warehouses in more than 17 countries so far, and very soon it will have warehouses in Chile and Colombia. Johana will be the first to enter Amazon Colombia when it opens its doors!
Despite all the work that she has already done, Johana isn’t planning on slowing down any time soon. She details her next steps below:
“My future projects include improving my sales on Amazon and growing my stores on shopify. Also being able to share my knowledge with more people so that they can also take advantage of the online world. Besides, I want to delegate a little more functions in my business, to have more time for myself. And, of course, I want to share more time with my family and travel together to see new places in the world!”
Without a doubt, Johana’s story is a source of hard work and inspiration not only to entrepreneurs, but to all of us. To find out more about her, follow her on Instagram here and check out her website here.