For some people, starting a business at a young age can be both a blessing and a curse. It can be great for getting a headstart in life, but can also come the downside of high risk choices financially. For Adura Sanya, he experienced both the good and the bad side of being successful and starting a business at a young age.
This is one of the many things that motivated Adura to begin his business. He started off in school as a film major, but dropped out because he knew that that was not what the future had in store for him. He struggled to convince his family and friends that he was doing the right thing, but he wanted to build something bigger for himself than what he had had growing up.
Adura has become a successful real estate investor who was able to liberate himself and achieve financial freedom at an incredibly young age. He bought his first house at only 20! Adura’s business has become successful because he has done what others cannot do, which is that he focuses on the clients much more than anything else.
In addition to growing his own business, Adura is deeply interested in helping others achieve their dreams as well. For those hoping to start their own business, he says to act now and do not wait until tomorrow.
Adura has made a profound impact on the real estate industry. His students are achieving greatness in the same way that he was able to despite the ever changing world that we live in today. Adura and his students show an incredible amount of resiliency and adaptability, which is evidenced by what they make back in profits.
If you would like to find out more about Adura, you can follow him on Instagram @thesanyamethod His website is